Leila Amulets The Enchantment...

Leila Amulets The Enchantment Elephant has Falling in love or Mahn Paya Thekhrua (Silver Charming)

The Enchantment Elephant has Falling in love or Mahn Paya Thekhrua (Silver Charming)

success in business and work will come easily, wishes will be fulfilled, and people will come to support

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The Enchantment Elephant has Falling in love, or Mon Phaya Thekhrua (Silver Charming)

Ajarn Pu Ei

This is a charm that is made once a year, following astrological auspicious times and formulas from the Lineage of a Million Elephants. This year, with favorable astrological conditions, the ritual to awaken and imbue the enchantment of the lost elephant was performed. It's considered a high-level white magic, so it can be carried and used by both men and women, even those of other genders. The powder of Mon Phaya Thekhrua, combined with various enchanting ingredients, was used. This included the powder of Mon Phaya Thekhrua and the powder of the enchanted elephant dung.

When carried and worshipped, it's believed to manifest high-level charm and popularity. It's said that even the elephants are charmed by its enchantment, and people, both men and women, won't be able to resist falling in love or being enchanted by us. Our charm and kindness will be evident to everyone. With this charm of compassion within us, success in business and work will come easily, wishes will be fulfilled, and people will come to support and take care of us. We can pray for anything that brings about desirable charm and luck, both in love and in fortune.

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